Review of the Genzler Magellan 800 Bass Amplifier
We just finished an in-depth review of the Genzler Magellan 800 Bass Amp. It’s available for download from this link.
We just finished an in-depth review of the Genzler Magellan 800 Bass Amp. It’s available for download from this link.
We are extremely proud to announce that we have been appointed as distributors of GENZLER AMPLIFICATION. You may remember (and probably miss like we did) the wonderful products made by Genz-Benz. Well, now you do not need to miss them anymore. GENZLER is the new brand by Jeff Genzler and the new line of products builds and inherits from the experience and know-how of his whole career, including the Genz-Benz years. These years of experience, materialized in a series of amazing amps and cabinets are now available from us. We are very excited to be receiving our first shipment including several amplifiers and cabinets from GENZLER. Stay tuned because we will be posting reviews and demos very soon!!! And, no, this is not just another brand, come test them in our new showroom and you’ll immediately realize why these amps receive praise all around the globe.
As you know, Instrument Boutique is characterized by not selling products that are manufactured by employees that do not have appropriate labour conditions. For the first time we have accepted to sell products manufactured in Taiwan. We are happy for this because we want to demonstrate that we have no veto on any country; just on unfair working conditions. In this case, our supplier has confirmed that the factory is a family business, and therefore the benefits are for the factory workers; and that the benefits are distributed in a fair way between the brand and the factory. That’s the way!