Zajazz Guitars
En Zajazz ponen todos los medios que necesites para realizar tu instrumento Custom. Puedes confiar en la experiencia y buen hacer de Jesús, quien te asesorará de forma personal para cualquier cosa que necesites, desde un bajo completo a la puesta a punto o instalación de componentes.

Lica Vintage Amplification
Lica Vintage representa el resultado de muchos años de amor al sonido más puro y a la tecnología de válvulas de vacío. Te ofrecemos equipos de válvulas, de diseño propio y fabricación totalmente artesanal, tanto de Hi-Fi para audiófilos como para instrumentos musicales. El alma de Lica Vintage es Juan Antonio López, un apasionado de la electrónica que ha dedicado durante muchos años su tiempo libre a profundizar en el conocimiento de la tecnología electrónica, y en especial de las válvulas de vacío. Juan cuida al máximo todos los aspectos, desde la selección manual y minuciosa de cada componente, hasta la soldadura punto a punto, pasando por la construcción de chasis y las tareas de ebanistería, para conseguir equipos que, simplemente haciendo que suenen, pueden poner una sonrisa en la cara de cualquiera.

Schroeder Cabinets
As a gear nut myself, I often switched gear whenever I heard promising news about new equipment, whether it offered a more compact size, or more defined sound, etc. I was always searching for that special something out there that I’d be able to enjoy for a very long time, but I did not find anything that really satisfied my needs, and gave me the volume, depth and clarity I needed and wanted in a compact cabinet. Now, there are certainly a lot of very nice bass cabinets out on the market today, but I still feel that there is room for improvement. Wouldn’t it be great to make one trip to the stage, set up within 5 minutes and be ready to play? I wanted to achieve something compact, yet loud enough for use in larger venues that could still be carried in one trip for easy setup. I wanted to hear myself on stage, and I wanted my band members to hear what I play. The better you hear each other on stage the better the band will sound to the audience.

Super-Sensitive Strings
WHEN IT COMES TO STRINGS AND ACCESSORIES, Super-Sensitive Musical String Co.® is in perfect harmony with your needs. At the heart of their commitment to quality is a dedication to understanding the unique needs of musicians. It’s how the first Red Label string was made back in 1930, and why it’s still the leading educational student string today.
Through collaboration between manufacturing, musicians and educators, they’ve continued to innovate the industry with the highest-quality violin, cello, bass, and viola strings and accessories. The Red Label Pearl strings are just one of the exciting new products that continue our tradition of excellence and enable musicians to play to their full potential, from first try to first chair.
The proud history of the Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. has always been collaboration between manufacturing and musicians. From its beginning in 1930, founder Ed Wackerle knew that in order for his company to be a success, he would have to gain the acceptance of musicians. Mr. Wackerle started what is known today as our Endorser Panel; this panel included Igor Patiagorsky, Fritz Kreisler, Mischa Elman and Frank Sindelar (owner of a luthier music store in Chicago) to name a few.

Cristh Rod Guitars
Cristh Rod Guitars es una empresa nacida en 2012 en Montalbán de Córdoba (España). Dedicada a la construcción, personalización, reparación y pintura de instrumentos musicales y especializados sobre todo en guitarras eléctricas, todo ello completamente artesanal.
Nos encanta crear a partir de lo supuestamente imposible y adaptar el instrumento a la personalidad del músico.
Cristh Rod Guitars is a company which was born in 2012 in Montalbán, Córdoba (Spain). It’s dedicated to the customization, reparation and painting of musical instruments, we’re specialists in electric guitars completely artisanal.
We love to create from apparently impossible and adapt the instrument to the personality of the musician.

SKL Tone Store
Desde hace años SKL Tone Store ha estado enfocado casi exclusivamente al diseño y construcción de electrónicas para bajos y guitarras con el simple objetivo de intentar que cada músico pueda sentir más propio el sonido de su instrumento. Y la vez, lograr que cualquier persona, sin tener conocimientos de electrónica y aunque nunca hubiese quitado un tornillo de su instrumento, pueda cambiar la electrónica para reparar algún componente o adaptarla a sus necesidades. Esto lo hemos hecho posible gracias, por ejemplo, al sistema de instalación sin soldadura. Por lo tanto, no se trata de proporcionar de una simple pieza de repuesto, sino de ayudar a personalizar el propio sonido del instrumento, lo que termina en cada caso particular siendo un trabajo único y posiblemente irrepetible.
Todos productos de SKL Tone Store son montados artesanalmente y testeados uno a uno poniendo especial atención a la calidad de los componentes, a su selección individualizada, y a la construcción impecable, pero siempre enfocados al resultado final y por supuesto a las necesidades del cliente.
Hoy en día, ya no solo utilizan los productos SKL Tone Store los entusiastas del DIY, sino también varios luthiers profesionales, que usan para sus creaciones estas electrónicas.
En la línea especial Instrument Boutique, se cuidan todos los detalles al máximo, ofreciendo un producto de la máxima calidad a un precio muy ajustado.

Genzler Amplification
Jeff Genzler started his first amplifier company with a vision, and a passion, in a garage in Phoenix, Arizona. As professional musician for more than a decade, he saw a need for smart, reliable, amplification systems that made strategic advancements to the form. With his wife Catherine, and their dedicated team, Jeff built that company and delivered exceptional products and support, worked closely with inspiring and talented people, and earned a global reputation for innovative designs and superior quality. Now they’re returning to their roots.
Jeff is building smart, pure, innovative bass amps and cabinets. They’re proud to have their longtime engineer, Scott Andres, as an important part of the Genzler team. Genzler has strong relationships with trusted craftspeople, suppliers, and retailers around the world.
Catherine and Jeff now live in Brooklyn, close to family. They’re becoming part of their community, giving a percentage of each product sold to local music initiatives. In Jeff’s own words “As a company, we do the work because we love it, Because the music is worth it, because the conversation with our customers is inspiring. Our spirit is simple and true, uncompromising and dedicated.”
Jeff is now proud to present the next generation of Genzler amplification. The product you expect from the people you trust, now in the store of your friends, the one that only sells ethically produced products!

Marco Bass Guitars
Marco Cortes is a bass player and a highly skilled luthier who started his career in Brazil. In his factory in Brazil, he produced a variety of stringed instruments from electric and acoustic guitars to electric basses, mandolins, mini guitars, etc. He also had the opportunity to work in a guitar factory in Japan which gave him a new perspective in excellent finishing work, besides the enrichment of knowing a new culture. Marco also builds his own pickups which have a very distinctive sound and quality. His instruments are built with the finest woods and they reflect his intense creativity and futuristic vision to always excel and improve in his work.

Woodies Guitar Hanger
Guitars are works of art which create art. Woodies believe that’s the way we should view them, so they created a guitar hanger which you can’t see. Woodies Hanger shows the guitar off, not the hanger. It’s so discreet the guitar looks like it’s floating! “Almost invisible, secure, strong and easy to use, Woodies Hanger allows the guitar to hang at any angle on the wall and it can’t fall out! And what’s more important, you protect your axe from the stress and potential damage caused by hanging from the neck.
Eich Amplification
As musicians we prefer to think less about technology but instead to just plug in and bring the good feelings of our own playing across on the stage. EICH delivers the general requirements for this. Consistent and innovative, we smooth the way to the world of deep sounds.
For more than a quarter of a century, EICH have immersed themselves in the world of deep tones: we analyze, harmonize and perfect your sound. We continually work on the optimization and development of our products and create new practical-orientated solutions. The close collaboration with professional musicians ensures necessary feedback, which is required to optimally adjust sound experiences and handling to bassist’s requirements. Precision German work at an international level.
Black Diamond Strings
Black Diamond is a small custom shop located in Sarasota, Florida. We are musicians making strings for musicians.
The strings we make are of the highest quality and are unlike any other brand on the market. Try a set today and you too will discover that our strings are unequalled in both tone and strength.
Just like people, the integrity of a quality string is found on the inside — at the core! In our small custom shop in Sarasota, Florida, we produce high-end boutique strings for every fretted instrument that are unequalled in both tone and strength. Our secret is in the core. We pull our high-carbon steel core to the optimum playing tension, producing a string that opens up smoother and holds its tone longer. The core is the pulse of the string. It’s the heartbeat. We also make a series of black coated strings whose coated winding protects the strings from hand oils and environmental decay. Combine that protection with the integrity of our core and you have the longest lasting string available.