About Instrument Boutique
From Music Industry Fairs
to Fair Music Industry
You have just arrived to a new concept in online stores. We have a vision of changing commerce from being a source of profit for a few individuals to a source of benefits for all society. We love music and we thought that we should try to make the musical instruments industry the first “fair industry” in the world, so that it becomes the example to follow by others. Read on to discover how we plan to do it.
Instrument Boutique wants to be your source for the best musical instrument and accessories. For years we have been musicians and customers of a huge number of stores, including many online around the world. During all those years we have been through all kinds of experiences when purchasing accessories. Now we’ve decided to start our own business and to apply all that we have learnt these years. We aim to make your buying experience something out of the ordinary by offering only high quality products thoroughly tested by us, giving you all the first-hand information you need to decide, and making sure that every purchase leads to a happy customer.
But we do not want to stop there. We want to transform this business. We don’t want to give our customers cheaper products. We want to give them products that represent excellent value for money and even more important products produced by manufacturers that respect the workers’ rights. Buying from us you know that your money is fairly distributed and that you are not paying for the fourth yatch of the brand owner, while workers in countries with no labor rights are receiving shameful wages.
And we know that because we know directly all our providers. We have a direct, close relationship. We call them friends. We know how they work, and where they manufacture.
So, you may find cheaper prices out there, but be sure you will not find better value for money and more fair, ethical profit distribution. And, by the way, we apply profit margins that are also fair and obviously much lower than other stores.