All items are shipped from our EU warehouse, and shipping is charged by a flat rate by weight of package. Larger, heavier items will cost more to ship than smaller, lighter weight items. Grouping items together will lower your per-item costs for shipping. The same applies for North America and worldwide. The cost per kilo applies to the overall weight of your order rounded up. Examples:
You are buying from Spain, using the standard shipping method, and your package weights 800 g. The applicable tariff is “up to 1 Kilo” and the cost of this shipping is 3€.
Take into account that we offer free shipping on all EU orders over 59€.
We also offer a free shipping for returning customers so when you have placed at least two orders in the previous 12 months, amounting a total of 360€ you are entitled to a free shipping in the current month. Example:
You ordered an item costing 20€ in December 2014. Then you ordered another item costing 380€ in January 2015. You are entitled to free shipping in the first order placed on December 2015 because you have two orders in the previous 12 months and the total amount exceeds 360€ (total 400€).